Natural DHT Blockers for Hair Loss
Many experts believe that DHT causes hair loss and may recommend a synthetic DHT blocker for relief such as Regenepure DR Hair Loss Shampoo. However, some patients prefer a more natural treatment and the following article was written with them in mind. Cholesterol and DHT Some hair experts believe that 95% of all hair loss issues…
Natural Ways to Stop Hair Loss
There are a myriad of treatments currently available for those who would like to stop hair loss. Both men and women who suffer from hair loss can find relief in medications such as Rogaine, as well as surgical procedures-such as hair fusion and hair transplantation. In addition, there are also natural hair loss supplements and hair…
Myths about Hair Loss
Heredity and Age There are many myths about hair loss that need to be addressed. For instance, it is commonly believed that hair loss is inherited exclusively from the mother’s side of the family. In reality, complete baldness, also known as androgenetic hair loss, can be inherited from the mother, father, or both. Another myth…